Designing & building careers & teams for happier 9-5s

Mondays are enjoyable when you love your work. Let’s create the right environment for your success together.

It’s Sunday night…

and the Sunday Scaries set in.

When you or your team are struggling, it’s hard to go to work. These “Monday blues” are closely tied to lack of engagement at work, high turnover, and more. All of these things are incredibly costly - they cost us time, energy, money, our motivation, and - most importantly - they negatively impact people who are the heartbeat of organizations. But there’s a better way to experience work. It all comes down to designing and building your career, team, and team culture to be effective, then investing in the health of the team always in all ways. The best part? This is figure-out-able AND when the Sunday Scaries are gone, that’s when we make a big impact and see the results we most want in our careers, teams, and lives. Let’s connect - we can show you the way!

“Amanda is transparent, efficient, and spot-on. Amanda was able to get to the heart of the challenges I was facing and knew how to handle sticky situations diplomatically. Every part of the process was important, enjoyable, and do-able. She’s a real pro.”

— Amy Lazarus, Responsible Innovation Manager, Meta

Our Vision for Better Mondays

We envision a world where going to work means joy, connection, belonging, and impact. It means better Mondays! Why? Because we are driven by a deep belief that every person deserves happiness, meaning, and fulfillment during this version of life we get on the planet, and work is a huge part of that.

What We Offer

  • 1:1, Team, and Group Coaching for those navigating work, leadership, and career

  • Design workshops, retreats, leadership programs, programs for new managers and more

  • Workshops, retreats, and skill building for companies, leaders, and teams

  • Expert guidance, consulting, and thought partnership on all things people, culture, and leadership

What We Value

More important than what we do is what we believe and value. Our values reflect our commitment to living and leading in ways that bring out the best in humanity. Our values guide all our actions, shape our culture, and drive approach in helping you get from point A to point B. Get to know us and what we believe.

  • Everything here starts and ends with people. We deeply believe that people and teams -- with the right set of conditions -- are unstoppable. We know that every person is both a teacher and a student. By honoring our collective expertise and experience, we engage in processes to share, learn, and grow in service of you.

  • We believe that an inclusive environment unlocks the potential in every person. We work with you to build a bigger table and create environments for people to show up fully and thrive.

  • We unapologetically make space to celebrate, reflect, and find enjoyment in the work, even when it is hard.

  • “Radical candor” is at the heart of our approach. When coaching, we challenge directly because we care personally. We commit to naming the things that need to be said while offering a safe place for reflection and open feedback.

  • Everything we do has a purpose - whether it’s the questions we ask, the meetings we schedule, our approach to collaborating, or the companies we’re working with, intentionality is at the heart of everything we do. We act mindfully and consciously.

  • We collaborate with you to create solutions that will sustain your work today, tomorrow, and into the future. We go the extra mile to make learnings “sticky” and accessible beyond our time working together.Item description

Let’s Connect

Land Acknowledgement

A Better Monday is based in Denver, Colorado which rests on the ancestral homelands of Arapaho, Ute, and Cheyenne nations - sites of gathering, community, hunting, and healing. We acknowledge painful history of erasure and genocide in this space. We offer our gratitude, recognition, and respect to the Indigenous people as the original stewards of the land, water, plants, and animals who call this place home - those who have come before us and those who are living, working and thriving today.

We also know that offering a land acknowledgment is merely a gesture without informed action and accountability. As of October 2022, A Better Monday pays into the East Colfax Neighborhood Associate Reparations Fund. All funds are send to tribal leaders annually.